The Jobs we will lose to machines

by Marco Tapia

in management-it-consulting,

August 26, 2016


Starting on a positive note first; “Machines cannot compete with us when it comes to tackling novel situations”.
At the other end, it is predicted that “Machines will replace 1 in every 2 jobs”.
Have you noticed a number of articles have emerged in the last few weeks about the future of work? I have grand kids and therefore I am interested and concerned. Considering what has happened over the last few years with technology and now, with a degree of understanding of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive computing, Big Data, etc (whatever name you want to use) I am in a good position to give this trend some validity and take appropriate action in advance.
For your benefit and to clearly understand what is going on: “Machine learning is the technology that's responsible for most of this disruption. It is the most powerful branch of artificial intelligence. It allows machines to learn from data and mimic some of the things that humans can do. “
From my knowledge and understating of Machine Learning (after all here at PicNet we are heavily involved in this via our Centazio product via our predictive analytics services) it is more about what areas of your job will be replaced and how the some areas will be unaffected rather than talking about the complete replacement of jobs.
Sections of Teaching (for instance, reviewing, grading exams and tests) is a repetitive task to be replaced by Machines. That to me implies that Teaching will definitely become more attractive, less repetitive, more value added and interesting. Perhaps, teachers will have more time to focus on value added, creative stuff and pure teaching, replacing mundane and repetitive tasks by machines.
Same will apply to Auditing, Lawyers, Accountants, Doctors, etc. Not that their professions will disappear but instead, they will become much more attractive and value added, creative and novel than what they are today. For instance, a lawyer will be able to properly think about cases and issues rather than doing basic, low graded activities such as trawling through historical legal documents for references. Great!
Below are some interesting articles:
1. The jobs we'll lose to machines — and the ones we won't
2. Australian workers must be ready
3. The jobs we'll lose to machines — and the ones we won't
Centazio – PicNet Machine Learning ROI app:
PicNet - Machine Learning/Predictive Analytics:
Just keeping in Touch
Marco Tapia